Home \ List of Historical Bids \ Document Takers
Note: Companies are listed alphabetically
Interested Suppliers (15)
Company Address City Telephone Doc. Taker Site Meeting
AVERTEX Utility Solutions Inc.  205235 County Rd. 109   Amaranth  (519) 942-3030  yes   
Beacon Utility Contractors Limited  270 Rodinea Rd.   Maple  416-743-4700  yes   
Charles Morden Construction Inc.  140 Albert Street Box 445  Midland  705-526-5053  yes   
Clearway Construction Inc.  45 Rodinea Road Suite C  Maple  905-761-6955  yes   
Construct Connect  3760 14th Ave 6th floor   Markham  905-752-5540  yes   
Continental Connections  9400 Hwy 12 W   Oro-Medonte  705-327-2751  yes   
Dufferin Construction Company, A division of CRH Canada Group Inc.  585 Michigan Drive Unit 1   Oakville  905-842-2741  yes   
Georgian Paving  25 Bertram Industrial Parkway   Midhurst  705-733-3336 x24  yes   
GIP Paving Inc  701 Dunlop St W   Barrie  705-726-6424  yes   
Isco AH-McElroy  90 Millwick Dr Unit A   Toronto  416 206 9455  yes   
J.B. Enterprises Ltd  551 Bryne Drive unit P   Barrie  705-734-1174  yes   
North Rock Group Ltd.  1111 Creditstone Rd   Concord  905-660-7481  yes   
OZA Inspections Ltd.  202, 400 Jones Road   Stoney Creek  905-643-1074  yes   
Peninsula Construction Inc  2055 Kottmeier Road RR#1  Fonthill  905-892-2661  yes   
Roto-Mill Inc.  560 Riddell Road   Orangeville  519-941-7686 x217  yes   
- Full Document Takers (15)
  • Document Takers - Online (15)
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  • Roads/ Sewer/ Watermain