Home \ List of Historical Bids \ Document Takers
Note: Companies are listed alphabetically
Interested Suppliers (3)
Company Address City Telephone Doc. Taker Site Meeting Contractor Role
CAREER TRANSITIONS, INC  24058 222ND AVENUE SE #20  MAPLE VALLEY  425-301-8961      
Executive Connexions Ltd  20-22 Wenlock Rd N1 7GU (Reg. Office)  London  +44 (0)7508018470      
Shay Enterprise  1789 Tavern Ln.   Tacoma  253 985 6691  yes   
- Full Document Takers (1)
  • Document Takers - Online (1)
  • Document Takers - Pick-up (0)
Related Bid Information
Category(ies) Selected
  • Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Human Resources and Executive Search Consulting Services