Home \ Bid Scope \ Document Takers
Note: Companies are listed alphabetically
Interested Suppliers (13)
Company Address City Telephone Doc. Taker Site Meeting Contractor Role
Abacus Service Corporation  25925 TELEGRAPH RD STE. 206,   Southfields  2485228005  yes   
CAREER TRANSITIONS, INC  24058 222ND AVENUE SE #20  MAPLE VALLEY  425-301-8961      
Collaborative Partners Initiative, LLC  1001 S Yakima Ave Suite 5A  Tacoma  2537226352  yes    Prime Contractor
Staff Account   Staff Account   Staff Account   Staff Account   yes    Other
eRepublic, Inc.  100 Blue Ravine Road   Folsom  9169321300  yes    Other
Executive Connexions Ltd  20-22 Wenlock Rd N1 7GU (Reg. Office)  London  +44 (0)7508018470      
Gallagher  5516 Falmouth Road   Richmond  6512340848  yes    Prime Contractor
Guidehouse Inc.  1676 International Drive, Suite 800  McLean  202-481-7382  yes    Prime Contractor
Sevenoutsource  113 Barksdale Professional Center   Newark  315-308-7852  yes   
Shay Enterprise  1789 Tavern Ln.   Tacoma  253 985 6691  yes   
Staff  401 S Jackson St   Seattle  206-665-8097  yes    Other
System Soft Technologies  3000 Bayport Drive, Suite 840   Tampa  6024606679  yes    Other
Welcome to Living  2224 Bonair Place SW   seattle  2069413422  yes    Prime Contractor
- Full Document Takers (11)
  • Document Takers - Online (11)
  • Document Takers - Pick-up (0)
Related Bid Information
  • RP-0095-24-HR-Consulting-Services.pdf
  • RP-0095-24-Proposal-Form-01-Price-Excel-Submittal.xlsx
Announcements (0)
Category(ies) Selected
  • Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Human Resources and Executive Search Consulting Services